Professional, peer-reviewed papers rebutting molecules-to-man evolution from the perspective of a recent creation and global Flood within a biblical framework.

Biochemistry of Dinofuzz: Feathers, Filaments, Fuzz, or Folly?
Harry F. Sanders, III • March 5, 2025
The evidence of feathers is limited to filaments or fibers in many fossils. It is these filaments that will be the focus of this paper.

Mollusk Shell Not the Product of Time and Chance But of Design
Dr. Jerry Bergman • July 31, 2024
Little to no physical evidence exists of the theorized gradual transformation from some proposed common ancestor of mollusks.

Darwin’s Sexual Selection Theory of Humans Falsified
Dr. Jerry Bergman • July 3, 2024
Field research evaluating Darwin’s sexual selection of beauty beliefs has concluded “that Darwin was wrong.”

University Skeleton and Brain Collections Fueled Darwinian Racism: Another Evil Fruit of Evolution Revealed
Dr. Jerry Bergman • June 12, 2024
Scientists behind the skeleton/organ collections firmly believed in human evolution. They were collecting specimens of “inferior races” to prove evolution, but the material did not support evolution.

Are Birds Dinosaurs? A Critical Analysis of Fossil Findings
Reinhard Junker • April 24, 2024
The putative descent of birds from dinosaurs has become established as one of the most popular evolutionary transitions.

Thermodynamics and its Relation to Creation/Evolution: An Introduction
Dr. Danny R. Faulkner • March 6, 2024
Creationists have often used the 2nd law of thermodynamics to criticize naturalistic origins, but they have not always properly treated the subject.

Ancient DNA Shows Neanderthals and Denisovans Descending from Noah in the Line Ham
Marshall Jordan • Jan. 31, 2024
The study presented here uses a reconstruction of a Y chromosome tree based on the biblical assumption that all humans have descended from Noah.

Response to “The Debate over Classification of Archaeopteryx as a Bird”
Matthew McLain , et. al. • Dec. 6, 2023
Matthew McLain, Dr. Marcus Ross, Matt Petrone, Noël Lay, and Matthew Speights take issue with Dr. Gabriela Haynes’ 2022 discussion of the difference between birds and dinosaurs.

Reply to the “Response to ‘The Debate over Classification of Archaeopteryx as a Bird’”
Dr. Gabriela Haynes • Dec. 6, 2023
This paper aims to address some issues raised by McLain et al. (2023) in an article titled “Response to ‘The Debate over Classification of Archaeopteryx as a Bird.’”

Karl Haushofer: One of the More Important Persons to Influence the Events That Led to WWII and the Holocaust
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Nov. 1, 2023
Hitler was following the teachings of his mentor, Karl Ernst Haushofer, and Haushofer’s disciples, including Rudolf Hess and a few other academics and scholars.

Feathered Turtles?
Matthew Cserhati • Sept. 27, 2023
Evolutionists assert that several dinosaur species had feathers, but what do the genes say?

The Debate over Classification of Archaeopteryx as a Bird
Dr. Gabriela Haynes • Sept. 14, 2022
Based on several findings, no reason remains for Archaeopteryx to be classified as anything other than a bird.

Evolution Fails to Explain the Vertebrate Camera-Type Eye
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Aug. 31, 2022
In spite of numerous attempts during the past 150 years since Darwin, evolutionists have failed to offer a viable theory of eye evolution.

Cartilage Evolution Baffles Evolutionists
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Aug. 17, 2022
This review of attempts to postulate evolutionary theories for the origin and development of cartilage and the cells that produce cartilage.

Heart Evolution: The Four Heart Types Are Unbridgeable by Evolution
Dr. Jerry Bergman • June 8, 2022
Not even plausible “just-so” stories are proposed to explain how one heart system evolved into a different system. Evolution is unable to explain their origin.

Java Man: A Creature Between Apes and Humans, an Extinct Ape, or a Primitive Man?
Dr. Jerry Bergman • May 18, 2022
Details of the Java man fossils were discussed as well as the problem of creating a species from a few bone fragments.

Facts Cannot Be Ignored When Considering the Origin of Life #1: The Necessity of Bio-monomers Not to Self-Link for the Existence of Living Organisms
Change Laura Tan • March 9, 2022
The required automatic self-linking of monomers for abiogenesis is incompatible with the genetic information coding and decoding system that is necessary for life.

The Evolution of Asexual to Sexual Reproduction: The Queen of Evolutionary Problems
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Dec. 15, 2021
The evidence is overwhelming and widely recognized by evolutionists that evolution by small steps cannot bridge the transition from asexual to sexual reproduction.

Darwinism and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Nov. 17, 2021
The history of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study is a salient example of the negative fruits of Darwinian racism.

Friedrich Engels Introduced Darwin to Karl Marx and Changed the World
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Nov. 10, 2021
Friedrich Engels was in some ways as important as Marx in helping to establish the revolution called Marxism (Communism) that has changed the world.

Revising Hominin Baraminology with Medoid Partitioning and Fuzzy Analysis
P. Sinclair , et. al. • Nov. 3, 2021
Creationist disagreement over the status of hominin fossils is unlikely to be resolved here, but Reeves’s recommendations bring alternative tools to baraminology that have not been applied.

One of the Most Widely Used Quotes by D. M. S. Watson Vindicated
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Oct. 13, 2021
Critics have attempted to negate the effect of a common quote that evolution is accepted mainly because the only alternative, special creation, is unacceptable.

The Spleen, Once Regarded as Vestigial, Now Recognized as a Critically Important Organ
Dr. Jerry Bergman • June 30, 2021
The spleen is now acknowledged to be a critical organ serving at least six different important functions.

Using Stromatolites to Rethink the Precambrian-Cambrian Pre-Flood/Flood Boundary
Ken P Coulson • May 5, 2021
Many creationists are actively engaged in finding the Flood/post-Flood boundary, but most creationists consider the Precambrian-Cambrian contact more attractive.

The History of Using Radiation to Speed Up Evolution
Dr. Jerry Bergman • March 24, 2021
The history of the mutation theory as the foundation of the source of new genetic information is reviewed.

Evolution of the Vertebrate Kidney Baffles Evolutionists
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Feb. 24, 2021
An unbridgeable gap exists between the simple urinary system used in invertebrates and the far more complex kidney system used in all vertebrates.

Theistic Evolution: A Response to Wayne Grudem, Making the Same Errors He Opposes in Others
Dr. Terry Mortenson • Feb. 17, 2021
Grudem is making the same biblical and theological errors that theistic evolutionists make. To be biblically consistent, he must abandon his old-earth position.

The Failed Attempt to Prove Jewish Inferiority by a Skeleton Collection
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Dec. 16, 2020
Over 100 innocent people were murdered to prove a theory that turned out to be not only wrong but based on an erroneous secular philosophy, namely Darwinism.

Gypsies Massacred as Part of the Darwinian Eugenic Holocaust
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Dec. 9, 2020
Attempts to apply Darwinian eugenics were part of the Nazi effort to produce a superior race in Germany.

The Grand Canyon, Monument to an Ancient Earth: The Deceptions Continue
Dr. Terry Mortenson • Dec. 2, 2020
The Grand Canyon, Monument to Ancient Earth? rejects the truth of Genesis regarding the Flood and the age of the earth.

Implications of Creation Biology for a Neogene-Quaternary Flood/Post-Flood Boundary
Chad Arment • Nov. 4, 2020
While several current Flood models posit an Upper Cenozoic Flood Boundary, none of them address the problem of biblical kinds and their relationship Genesis.

Louis Agassiz and Alexander Winchell: Two Case Histories of Creationists Who Illustrate That Rejecting Genesis Influences the Acceptance of Racism
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Sept. 23, 2020
Theories that attempted to harmonize evolution and the Scriptures gave birth to, and perpetuated, a form of scientific racism based on Darwinism.

Inerrancy and Biblical Authority: How and Why Old-Earth Inerrantists Are Unintentionally Undermining Inerrancy
Dr. Terry Mortenson • Sept. 16, 2020
The old-earth signers of the CSBInerrancy unintentionally violated their own principles of interpretation and unintentionally undermined the inerrancy and the authority of Scripture.

Remembering Spillover Erosion of Grand Canyon
Dr. Steve Austin , et. al. • Sept. 9, 2020
We should remember an important fact—creationist and evolutionist thinking about spillover continues to make a significant contribution to our understanding of erosion of Grand Canyon.

Darwin’s Views of Women Had a Considerable Effect on Society
Dr. Jerry Bergman • April 29, 2020
This review has two goals, to document from Darwin’s writings that he believed women were inferior to men, and to document that his views greatly influenced modern academia and evolutionists.

Young-Earth Y Chromosome Clocks Confirm Known Post-Columbian Amerindian Population History and Suggest Pre-Columbian Population Replacement in the Americas
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson • April 22, 2020
Recent human history represents a novel arena in which to comparatively test evolution and young-earth creation (YEC) against each other.

Testing the Predictions of the Young-Earth Y Chromosome Molecular Clock: Population Growth Curves Confirm the Recent Origin of Human Y Chromosome Differences
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson • Dec. 4, 2019
The timescale for the human Y chromosome family tree has been a source of sharp disagreement within the creation/evolution debate.

Evidence for a Human Y Chromosome Molecular Clock: Pedigree-Based Mutation Rates Suggest a 4,500-Year History for Human Paternal Inheritance
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson , et. al. • Dec. 4, 2019
Pedigree-based mutation rates act as an independent test of the young-earth creation and evolutionary timescales.

Problems with the U-Pb Radioisotope Dating Methods—3. Mass Fractionation
Dr. Andrew A. Snelling • Nov. 13, 2019
The evidence for grossly accelerated radioisotope decay during a past cataclysmic event such as the Genesis Flood has been well established.

Korea, Darwinism, Racism, and War
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Nov. 6, 2019
This review focuses on Korea, and the effects of racism on Korea from both Japan and China.

An Evaluation of Astronomical Young-Age Determination Methods 2: Solar, Stellar, Galactic, and Extragalactic
Dr. Danny R. Faulkner • Oct. 30, 2019
Dr. Danny Faulkner evaluates 23 arguments for recent origin for the sun, stars, and galaxies.

An Evaluation of Astronomical Young-Age Determination Methods I: The Solar System
Dr. Danny R. Faulkner • Sept. 25, 2019
Evaluating 25 astronomical arguments for recent origin for the solar system found some to be wanting and others appear to be sound.

How Scholars’ Perceptions of the Semantic Range of יוֹם Have Affected Their Discussions of the Age of the Universe: Part 3
John C. P. Smith • July 17, 2019
The study looks at delineations and definitions of יוֹם in Scripture, and in lexical and other sources.

How Scholars’ Perceptions of the Semantic Range of יוֹם Have Affected Their Discussions of the Age of the Universe: Part 2
John C. P. Smith • April 24, 2019
There is a considerable disconnection between lexicography regarding יוֹם and the formation of creation theology.

How Scholars’ Perceptions of the Semantic Range of יוֹם Have Affected Their Discussions of the Age of the Universe: Part 1
John C. P. Smith • March 13, 2019
There is a considerable disconnection between lexicography regarding יוֹם and the formation of creation theology.

Critical Analysis of Hugh Ross’ Progressive Day-Age Creationism Through the Framework of Young-Earth Creationism
David Mcgee • Feb. 13, 2019
The most important part of the debate between views on creationism is about the presuppositions of each group and their biblical hermeneutics.

Responding to Lightner’s Comments on Natural Selection: Points of Agreement and Disagreement
Dr. Jason Lisle • Jan. 30, 2019
My paper was criticizing what Guliuzza has publicly written in which he denies the reality of natural selection: a claim that he has never publicly retracted.

Dubious Claims About Natural Selection
Dr. Jean Lightner • Jan. 30, 2019
This brief examination of Jason Lisle’s paper highlights that misunderstanding about natural selection is more prevalent among creationists than he suggests.

Refuting Dubious Claims Regarding Natural Selection
Dr. Jason Lisle • Dec. 5, 2018
Randy Guliuzza has made some controversial claims regarding the cause and nature of adaptation of organisms to their environment. We examine his claims.

Response to “Still No Replacement of Darwin: A Reply to Nathaniel Jeanson’s Response to My Review of Replacing Darwin—The New Origin of Species”
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson • Nov. 21, 2018
Frello’s recent critique is helpful progress in our discussion, and it argues for the strength of the science in Replacing Darwin.

Still No Replacement of Darwin—A Reply to Nathanial Jeanson’s Response to my Review of Replacing Darwin—The New Origin of Species
Stefan Frello • Nov. 21, 2018
I used to think that when creationists talk about creation and evolution as a clash between worldviews, they were wrong. Jeanson has helped me change my mind.

Living Evidence of a Global Catastrophe: How Microbial Biogeography Supports Noah’s Flood
Dr. Andrew Fabich • Oct. 17, 2018
The biblical account of Noah’s Flood provides an update to modern microbial biogeography and modern creation apologetics.

Comparison of 18,000 De Novo Assembled Chimpanzee Contigs to the Human Genome Yields Average BLASTN Alignment Identities of 84%
Jeffrey P. Tomkins • Sept. 5, 2018
Results from this study negate the concept of the 98.5% DNA similarity myth and highlight the extremely flawed and humanized nature of the panTro4 version of the chimpanzee genome.

A Preliminary Cephalopod Baraminology Study Based on the Analysis of Mitochondrial Genomes and Morphological Characteristics
Jean O’Micks • Aug. 22, 2018
Cephalopods, including octopuses, squids, cuttlefish, and nautiluses, are underrepresented in both genome sequencing projects as well as baraminology studies.

Biblical Integration in Anatomy and Physiology: A Design Approach
Elizabeth Sled • June 20, 2018
We have been created fearfully and wonderfully by our Creator God, and the human body showcases God’s intricate design.

Problems with the U-Pb Radioisotope Dating Methods—2. U and Pb Mobility
Dr. Andrew A. Snelling • June 13, 2018
Since the amount of U and Pb mobility in most cases has been small, then the determinations can be used to provide useful relative ages.

Response to “No Replacement of Darwin: A Review of Replacing Darwin—The New Origin of Species”
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson • April 25, 2018
Ironically, Frello has actually done me a great favor; his review ends up bolstering my original claims.

No Replacement of Darwin
Stefan Frello • April 25, 2018
Jeanson takes on a formidable task: To show that the theory of evolution is wrong, and to replace it with biblical creation. To make it short: Jeanson fails.

The Case for Cosmological Redshifts
Dr. Danny R. Faulkner • March 14, 2018
Many recent creationists appear to oppose the Hubble relation, the expansion of the universe, and/or cosmological redshifts of quasars.

The Hermeneutics of Adam: A Figurative Approach to Genesis 1 and the Historicity of Adam1
Todd S. Beall • March 7, 2018
It is here argued that the best interpretation is that Adam and Eve are real, historical persons.

The Origin of Beauty: Contrasting the Handicap Hypothesis and Design Theory
David Woetzel • Dec. 13, 2017
Why should there be such “gratuitous beauty”? The plethora of extravagant biological characteristics prominently call out for an explanation.

Likely Discontinuity Between Humans and Non-Human Hominins Based on Endocranial Volume and Body Mass with a Special Focus on Homo naledi—A Short Analysis
Jean O’Micks • Oct. 11, 2017
According to the evolutionary concept of encephalization, endocranial volume increases from more primitive species to more developed ones.

Response to “Reply to ‘Response to ‘On the Creationist View on mtDNA’.”
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson • Oct. 4, 2017
I am pleased to see that the young-earth creation (YEC) critic, Stefan Frello, seeks to continue our exchange of ideas.

Reply to “Response to ‘On the Creationist View on mtDNA’.”
Stefan Frello • Oct. 4, 2017
This is a short reply to Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson’s response to my comment to his work on human mtDNA.

Book Review of Almost Human, the Astonishing Tale of Homo naledi and the Discovery that Changed our Human Story, by Lee Berger and John Hawks
Jean O’Micks , et. al. • Aug. 30, 2017
We review four main sections of the book starting with his first trip to Tanzania, H. floresiensis, Australopithecus sediba, and Homo naledi.

Response to “On the Creationist View on mtDNA”
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson • Aug. 23, 2017
Frello criticizes papers that he hasn’t carefully read. Not surprisingly, his objections turn out to be unfounded.

On the Creationist View on mtDNA
Stefan Frello • Aug. 23, 2017
Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson claims to have documented a recent origin of humans, using mitochondrial DNA. A reader questions the results.

Problems with the U-Pb Radioisotope Dating Methods—1. Common Pb
Dr. Andrew A. Snelling • July 26, 2017
Problems remain in the interpretation of the measured Pb isotopic ratios to transform them into ages.

Phenomenological Language and Semantic Naïveté
Kevin Short • June 28, 2017
Denis Lamoureux seeks to resolve perceived contradictions between science and Scripture by persuading that Scripture is not inerrant.

Further Evidence That Homo naledi Is Not a Member of the Human Holobaramin Based on Measurements of Vertebrae and Ribs
Jean O’Micks • June 21, 2017
This study provides further evidence that Homo naledi is indeed not a member of the human holobaramin, but related rather to australopiths.

Rebuttal to “Reply to O’Micks Concerning the Geology and Taphonomy of the Homo naledi Site” and “Identifying Humans in the Fossil Record: A Further Response to O’Micks”
Jean O’Micks • Feb. 15, 2017
Baraminic analyses suggest that both H. naledi and H. floresiensis are not part of the human holobaramin.

Identifying Humans in the Fossil Record: A Further Response to O’Micks
Todd Charles Wood • Feb. 15, 2017
Recent articles have questioned the validity of hominin baraminology studies that place Homo naledi in the human holobaramin.

Reply to O’Micks Concerning the Geology and Taphonomy of the Homo naledi Site
Matthew McLain • Feb. 15, 2017
The best hypothesis for the origin of the H. naledi assemblage in the Dinaledi Chamber is still intentional burial/disposal by other H. naledi.

Debunking the Debunkers
Jeffrey P. Tomkins • Feb. 8, 2017
Taken together, genomic data for both the alleged fusion and cryptic centromere sites refute the concept of fusion in a human-chimpanzee common ancestor.

Taxon Sample Size in Hominin Baraminology: A Response to O’Micks
Todd Charles Wood • Dec. 28, 2016
Re-analysis of O’Micks’ character sets show that the lack of baraminic distance correlations is likely the result of a small taxon sample.

Reply to “Taxon Sample in Hominin Baraminology: A Response to O’Micks”
Jean O’Micks • Dec. 28, 2016
Baraminology is a holistic science and should distinguish between more or less important morphological characteristics.

Scriptural Geology, Then and Now
Warren H. Johns • Nov. 30, 2016
The place of the biblical Flood in the geological record remains one of the most hotly debated issues among creationist geologists today.

The Nature of the Neo-Darwinian Evangelicals’ Criticism of Young-Earth Creationists
Jim Owen • Nov. 23, 2016
If we do not understand the dimensions of the war we are engaged in, we are already halfway to theological and historical oblivion.

Analysis of 101 Chimpanzee Trace Read Data Sets: Assessment of Their Overall Similarity to Human and Possible Contamination With Human DNA
Jeffrey P. Tomkins • Nov. 16, 2016
The current chimpanzee genome assembly has problems that reduce its veracity as an authentic representation.

Molecular Structures Shared by Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes Show Signs of Only Analogy and Not Homology
Jean O’Micks • Nov. 9, 2016
Until now there have been two basic theories on the evolution of cellular complexity.

A Critique of Scientific Explanations of Belief and Unbelief and the Conflict between Evolution and Creationism
Callie Joubert • Nov. 2, 2016
The recent claim that “conflicting networks” in the brain that explain belief and unbelief in God cannot be true.

Homo naledi Probably Not Part of the Human Holobaramin Based on Baraminic Re-Analysis Including Postcranial Evidence
Jean O’Micks • Oct. 26, 2016
With the inclusion of 37 postcranial morphological characters, this work attempts to reassess the baraminic classification of H. naledi.

Big Gaps and Short Bridges: A Model for Solving the Discontinuity Problem
Change Laura Tan • July 6, 2016
This paper argues that the issue with the origin of life and the origin of biodiversity is not an issue of time, though deep time is problematical.

On the Origin of Human Mitochondrial DNA Differences, New Generation Time Data Both Suggest a Unified Young-Earth Creation Model and Challenge the Evolutionary Out-of-Africa Model
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson • April 27, 2016
These results underscore the biblical model of human origins and simultaneously undercut the validity of the evolutionary out-of-Africa model.

On the Origin of Eukaryotic Species’ Genotypic and Phenotypic Diversity
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson , et. al. • April 20, 2016
This study shows that created heterozygosity, together with natural processes that are observable, is sufficient to account for species’ diversity.

Using Taxonomically Restricted Essential Genes to Determine Whether Two Organisms Can Belong to the Same Family Tree
Change Laura Tan • Nov. 4, 2015
How are all life forms connected? Are they linked by one giant family tree, a web, or a forest of family trees?

Challenging the BioLogos Claim that a Vitellogenin (Egg-Laying) Pseudogene Exists in the Human Genome
Jeffrey P. Tomkins • Oct. 21, 2015
Interestingly, BioLogos is probably the only evolutionary group that puts such a high level of focus on this hypothesis as key evidence for evolution.

The Genesis and Emergence of Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA): An Example of Evolution in Action?
Dr. Alan L. Gillen , et. al. • Oct. 14, 2015
We have seen a changing profile from HA-MRSA to CA-MRSA. This is potentially dangerous because the new strains are more virulent and aggressive.

Documented Anomaly in Recent Versions of the BLASTN Algorithm and a Complete Reanalysis of Chimpanzee and Human Genome-Wide DNA Similarity Using Nucmer and LASTZ
Jeffrey P. Tomkins • Oct. 7, 2015
Past evolutionary research in comparative DNA analysis between chimps and humans has employed a great deal of preferential and selective data analysis.

A Young-Earth Creation Human Mitochondrial DNA “Clock”: Whole Mitochondrial Genome Mutation Rate Confirms D-Loop Results
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson • Sept. 23, 2015
New data agree with the expectations from D-loop results, further confirming the origin of humans within 6000 years and rejecting evolutionary timescales.

The Lost World of Adam and Eve: A Response
Steve Ham • July 29, 2015
This paper contends that Walton has given a magisterial authority to the ANE mythic texts in order to interpret the Genesis accounts.

Mitochondrial DNA Clocks Imply Linear Speciation Rates Within “Kinds”
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson • June 3, 2015
The mechanism of speciation remains one of the most contested scientific questions among both evolutionists and creationists.

Cyclic Selection in HIV–1 Tropism: Microevolution That Is Going Nowhere
Yingguang Liu • April 29, 2015
The molecular interaction of HIV-1 is merely cyclic fine-tuning of an existing function and illustrates the broken relationship between the virus and the host.

A Review of Hugh Ross’ Latest Book, Navigating Genesis
Dr. Danny R. Faulkner • April 15, 2015
While many Christians support Ross’ broad conclusions, few would agree with the details of Dr. Ross’ argument.

Physical Difficulties with Hugh Ross’ Local Flood Model
Dr. Danny R. Faulkner • April 15, 2015
There are at least three problems with Hugh Ross’ local flood model which render it physically impossible. This is in addition to numerous biblical issues.

Information Processing Differences Between Bacteria and Eukarya—Implications for the Myth of Eukaryogenesis
Change Laura Tan , et. al. • March 25, 2015
Based on differences in gene sets and molecular machines between bacteria and eukarya, we continue to demonstrate that unbridgeable evolutionary chasms exist.

Information Processing Differences Between Archaea and Eukarya—Implications for Homologs and the Myth of Eukaryogenesis
Change Laura Tan , et. al. • March 18, 2015
In the grand evolutionary paradigm, the origin of the eukaryotic cell represents one of the great mysteries and key hypothetical transitions of life.

Natural Selection: Assessing the Role It Plays in our World
Dr. Jean Lightner • March 4, 2015
Natural selection is controversial among many scientists, both in evolutionary and creationary circles.

Hume’s Guillotine and Evolutionary Ethics: Evaluating Attempts to Overcome the Naturalistic Fallacy
Brenton H. Cook • Jan. 7, 2015
The problem of establishing an ontological basis for morality has troubled materialistic philosophers since Darwin.

Scientific Evidence Indicates Natural Selection and Brain-Based Education Conflict with Human Nature
Callie Joubert • Oct. 15, 2014
Children have an innate, natural, intuitive, and unlearned tendency to reason about the world as biblical creationists do.

The Human GULO Pseudogene—Evidence for Evolutionary Discontinuity and Genetic Entropy
Jeffrey P. Tomkins • April 2, 2014
Modern genomics provides the ability to screen the DNA of a wide variety of organisms to scrutinize broken metabolic pathways. This data has revealed wide-spread genetic entropy in human genomes.

Alleged Human Chromosome 2 “Fusion Site” Encodes an Active DNA Binding Domain Inside a Complex and Highly Expressed Gene—Negating Fusion
Jeffrey P. Tomkins • Oct. 16, 2013
A major argument supposedly supporting human evolution from a common ancestor with chimpanzees is the “chromosome 2 fusion model.”

Chimeras, Cybrids, and Hybrids: A Christian’s Observations and Critique of Some Aspects of the Controversy Involving the Mixing of Human and Animal Materials for Scientific Research
Callie Joubert • Sept. 18, 2013
On July 22, 2011, some readers of the Daily Mail UK were stunned by news that “Scientists have created more than 150 human-animal embryos in British laboratories.”

The Human Beta-Globin Pseudogene Is Non-Variable and Functional
Jeffrey P. Tomkins • Aug. 21, 2013
The HBBP1 gene appears to be a highly functional and cleverly integrated feature of the human genome that is intolerant of mutation.

Does Natural Selection Exist?
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson • Aug. 7, 2013
How did the modern diversity of life arise from the created kinds of Genesis 1 and from the kinds taken on board the Ark? Did natural selection play a role?

The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs: Stanley Fish, The Pragmatic Presuppositionalist
Mark Ward, Jr. • July 10, 2013
Literary theorist and prominent public intellectual Stanley Fish is a self-described “antifoundationalist”—someone who believes that truth is relative to one’s “interpretive community.”

Stone Tools from the Early Tertiary in Europe—A Contradiction to Any Evolutionary Theory About the Origin of Man and to Long Geological Periods of Time
Michael Brandt • June 26, 2013
Approximately between 1860 and 1930, in some cases even later, there was a discussion about flint findings from Paleocene to Pliocene strata which were similar to tools.

The Importance of an Historical Adam
Simon Turpin • May 29, 2013
In secular culture it is common to view the biblical history of Adam as a story, myth, or a parable but this is now also becoming the standard interpretation for many within the evangelical community.

A Response to Peter Enns’s Attack on Biblical Creationism
Lee Anderson, Jr. • April 17, 2013
This paper overviews the recent work of Peter Enns, The Evolution of Adam.

Did Death of Any Kind Exist Before the Fall?
Simon Turpin • April 3, 2013
Death, whether animal or human, physical or spiritual, is a consequence of man’s disobedience toward his Creator and an intrusion into His “very good” creation.

Evangelical Commentaries on the Days of Creation in Genesis One
Simon Turpin • March 20, 2013
This paper will evaluate and critique six commentaries and the reasons they give for not taking the days of creation literally.

German and American Eugenics in the Pre-World War 1 Era
Danae Mcgregor • March 6, 2013
Before the traumatic devastation of the Nazi genocides, eugenics theory was widely accepted by both German and American scientists, especially in the pre-World War 1 era.

Comprehensive Analysis of Chimpanzee and Human Chromosomes Reveals Average DNA Similarity of 70%
Jeffrey P. Tomkins • Feb. 20, 2013
A common evolutionary claim is that the DNA of chimpanzees and humans are nearly identical. Modern DNA research is showing much higher levels of discontinuity.

Evolutionary Psychology: Why It Fails as a Science and Is Dangerous
Callie Joubert • Dec. 19, 2012
Christians and the public at large cannot afford to accept what they are being told about themselves from the perspective of evolutionary psychology.

Creation Date of Adam from the Perspective of Young-Earth Creationism
David Mcgee • Nov. 28, 2012
This article reveals how young-earth creationists have concluded the approximate age of Adam and to explain the reason for a 6,000 year range between both groups.

Is Young-Earth Creationism a Bad Choice?
Callie Joubert • Nov. 14, 2012
Any understanding of Scripture that excludes or indicts the divine Himself is necessarily flawed and false.

Mammalian Ark Kinds
Dr. Jean Lightner • Oct. 31, 2012
Information on the class Mammalia was evaluated in an attempt to get a realistic estimate of what mammalian kinds would have been represented on the Ark.

The Unbeliever at War with God: Michael Ruse and the Creation-Evolution Controversy
Callie Joubert • Sept. 5, 2012
The evidence to be considered will indicate that a fear of God and afterlife play a major role in the psychology of unbelief, and that points toward the realism of Scripture.

Review of John Lennox’s Book Seven Days That Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science
Simon Turpin • June 27, 2012
Lennox reasons that the church has been wrong in the past over its interpretation of Scripture in light of scientific discovery, and that those holding to a young earth are wrong again.

What Makes Us Human, and Why It Is Not the Brain: A Creationist Defense of the Soul: Reply
Callie Joubert • June 13, 2012
To depart from Scripture at any point is neither safe nor right. Thus Estabrook’s discussion of my paper (Joubert 2011) in which he expressed his difficulties with my defense of the soul is welcome.

What Makes Us Human, and Why It Is Not the Brain: A Creationist Defense of the Soul: Discussion
Darrell Estabrook • June 13, 2012
Certainly there is more to humans than a complex brain architecture from which a mind would seem to emerge. However, this reader has two difficulties.

Understanding the Nature of Scripture, of Jesus, and the “Dis-Ease” of Theistic Evolutionists (BioLogos)
Callie Joubert • May 9, 2012
The apologetic suggests that BioLogos should consider that the ultimate source of their “dis-ease” is the nature and character of the Creator.

An Evaluation of the Myth That “Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution”
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Feb. 8, 2012
I reviewed both the textbooks used for life science classes at the college where I teach and those that I used in my past university course work.

Genome-Wide DNA Alignment Similarity (Identity) for 40,000 Chimpanzee DNA Sequences Queried against the Human Genome is 86–89%
Jeffrey P. Tomkins • Dec. 28, 2011
To provide a global set of analyses, large-scale comparative DNA sequence alignments between the chimpanzee and human genomes were performed with the BLASTN algorithm.

What Makes Us Human, and Why It Is Not the Brain: A Creationist Defense of the Soul
Callie Joubert • Dec. 14, 2011
A Christian view of the world entails that science is not a Christian’s ultimate or sole source of knowledge and the physical world is not the only world there is.

Untangling Uniformitarianism, Level II: Actualism in Crisis
Dr. John K. Reed • Nov. 30, 2011
Although the term uniformitarianism was not introduced until 1832, the concepts that Lyell so cleverly fused together had already been operating in the nascent discipline of geology for some decades

Adam, Free Choice, and the Cause of Sin: A Creationist Response to a Christian Evolutionist
Callie Joubert • Oct. 26, 2011
This paper will show that Christian professor Daniel Brannan’s arguments are based on faulty premises regarding Adam’s constitutional nature, the nature of Adam’s perfection and Adam’s free choice.

Time to Abandon Postmodernism: Living a New Way
Dr. Andrew Fabich • Oct. 12, 2011
In Western civilization, the Mosaic generation and those that are younger are leaving religious institutions en masse while embracing spirituality nonetheless at unprecedented rates.

Geomorphology of Uluṟu, Australia: Discussion
J. A. Bourne , et. al. • Sept. 21, 2011
Controversy and informed debate are the lifeblood of scientific investigation. Thus Ken Patrick’s 2010 paper on the origin of Uluru is welcome.

Geomorphology of Uluṟu, Australia: Reply
Ken Patrick • Sept. 21, 2011
Twidale and Bourne’s comments are appreciated by this author who respects their professional and long-standing experience in the field of modern geomorphology.

Response to Comments on “How Genomes are Sequenced and Why it Matters: Implications for Studies in Comparative Genomics of Humans and Chimpanzees”
Jeffrey P. Tomkins • Sept. 14, 2011
The author believes that his use of the Y-chromosome comparison example was misinterpreted and desires to clarify.

Emergentism and the Rejection of Spirit Entities: A Response to Christian Physicalists
Callie Joubert • Aug. 10, 2011
Emergentism defies commonsense; there is also no scientific evidence that something material could produce an entity of a kind radically different from itself.

Created Kinds and Essential Natures: A Biblical and Philosophical Response to Evolutionists
Callie Joubert • July 27, 2011
Assuming that “natural kind” is a merely biological rather than metaphysical would be a mistake, resulting in Christians having difficulty evaluating and correcting rival views to created kinds.

An Examination of Augustine’s Commentaries on Genesis One and Their Implications on a Modern Theological Controversy
Dr. Tim Chaffey • July 13, 2011
Few individuals in church history are as popular as Augustine of Hippo. Old-earthers claim him as support for figurative interpretations of Genesis 1. But what did Augustine really say?

How Genomes are Sequenced and Why it Matters: Implications for Studies in Comparative Genomics of Humans and Chimpanzees
Jeffrey P. Tomkins • June 22, 2011
When evaluating comparisons between genomes using DNA sequence, it is important to understand the nature of how that sequence was obtained and bioinformatically manipulated before drawing conclusions.

The Human Retina Shows Evidence of Good Design
Dr. Jerry Bergman • June 8, 2011
Darwinists try to disprove the argument from design by providing examples of what they claim are poor design.

Toward an Accurate Model of Variation in DNA
Mitchel Soltys • March 2, 2011
The Bible’s description of created kinds implies an information model which uses variables. The findings in this paper show that a model which uses variables forms a basis for understanding biology.

Is the Sodium Chloride Level in the Oceans Evidence for Abiogenesis?
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Sept. 1, 2010
This paper examines this assumption and finds the evidence shows that the levels of salinity in seawater and human blood are markedly different.

Baraminological Analysis Places Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, and Australopithecus sediba in the Human Holobaramin: Discussion
Dr. David A. DeWitt , et. al. • Aug. 25, 2010
A discussion on a previous ARJ paper in regard to Australopithecus sediba and its classification.

Why Orthodox Darwinism Demands Atheism
Dr. Jerry Bergman • July 28, 2010
A conflict exists between modern neo-Darwinism and orthodox biblical Christianity.

Baraminological Analysis Places Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, and Australopithecus sediba in the Human Holobaramin
Todd Charles Wood • May 5, 2010
This present study should end charges against creationists that classification of australopiths as human or ape is arbitrary and meaningless.

Inherit the Wind
Dr. Jerry Bergman • March 31, 2010
Although the play was widely believed to be an accurate synopsis of the historical trial, often called the Trial of the Century, it grossly distorted the actual events of history.

Fraud and Forgery in Paleoanthropology
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Dec. 23, 2009
A review of the history of paleoanthropology leads to the conclusion that the discipline is far less objective than that for physics, chemistry, or even biology.

Systematic Theology Texts and the Age of the Earth
Dr. Terry Mortenson • Dec. 16, 2009
In the past few decades there has been a growing controversy in society and in the Church over evolution and the age of the earth.

Towards a Creationary Classification of Mutations
Jonathan Bartlett • Dec. 2, 2009
Mutations are normally classified according to their proximal effect on an organism’s fitness, whether beneficial, deleterious, or neutral.

The Role of Genomic Islands, Mutation, and Displacement in the Origin of Bacterial Pathogenicity
Dr. Georgia Purdom • Oct. 28, 2009
Bacteria are mostly beneficial, even though a minority are known as pathogens. They are necessary for natural processes such as human digestion and biogeochemical cycling.

Fungi from the Biblical Perspective
Ira Loucks • Oct. 21, 2009
Fungi are intriguing organisms with a wealth of diversity in their morphology and ecology. Determining the fundamentals of their biology from a biblical perspective is a daunting but achievable task.

A Possible Function of Entamoeba histolytica in the Creation Model
Frank Sherwin • Oct. 14, 2009
There is a need for parasites such as Entamoeba histolytica to be addressed from a biblical perspective that may include their original symbiotic or mutualistic association in man.

A Review of Mitoribosome Structure and Function Does not Support the Serial Endosymbiotic Theory
Daniel Criswell • Oct. 7, 2009
It is apparent from the knowledge gained about mitochondria ribosome structure and function since the proposal of the Serial Endosymbiosis Theory that prokaryotes are not the ancestors of eukaryotes.

The Natural History of Retroviruses
Yingguang Liu , et. al. • Sept. 30, 2009
Evolutionists assume that all endogenous retroviruses are remnants of germ line infection by exogenous retroviruses.

More Abundant than Stars
Dr. Georgia Purdom , et. al. • Sept. 23, 2009
Microbes form a life-sustaining organosubstrate on earth and contribute to our understanding of geology, ecology, and biology.

Genetics of Coat Color II
Dr. Jean Lightner • June 10, 2009
Recognizing the population bottleneck which occurred in land animals at the time of the Flood, it is clear that genetic variation was once more limited than it is today.

Toward An Understanding of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi
Tom Hennigan • Feb. 18, 2009
As we seek to discover the intent of the Designer, we can enhance our stewardship of the land by using this symbiosis to re-establish polluted and disturbed landscapes and grow sustainable crops.

There Is No Darwin Conspiracy
Todd Charles Wood • Jan. 28, 2009
Some contend that Charles Darwin plagiarized his theory of evolution. Whether you agree with the man or not, however, the evidence suggests the idea is his.

Radiocarbon Ages for Fossil Ammonites and Wood in Cretaceous Strata near Redding, California
Dr. Andrew A. Snelling • Dec. 10, 2008
Measurable radiocarbon has been detected in fossils from the earliest days of radiocarbon dating. When these data are put in perspective, their deadly significance to uniformitarianism is apparent.

Bacterial Attenuation and its Link to Innate Oncolytic Potential
Luke Kim • Oct. 15, 2008
Although bacteria have been mainly recognized as disease causing agents, there are abundant scientific evidences that bacterial pathogenicity is not the major biological function of bacteria.

Genetics of Coat Color I
Dr. Jean Lightner • Oct. 8, 2008
Given the number of alleles within baramins, much of the diversity at this locus must have developed since the genetic bottleneck at the Flood where only a single breeding pair was preserved.

Karyotype Variability within the Cattle Monobaramin
Dr. Jean Lightner • June 11, 2008
Chromosomal rearrangements, particularly centric fusions, have played an important role in developing the chromosomal patterns that are seen in cattle today.

Louis Pasteur’s Views on Creation, Evolution, and the Genesis of Germs
Dr. Alan L. Gillen , et. al. • Dec. 27, 2020
Shortly after Darwin published On the Origin of Species, Pasteur began to challenge the idea of spontaneous generation.

An Apology and Unification Theory for the Reconciliation of Physical Matter and Metaphysical Cognizance
Desmond Allen • Feb. 27, 2008
Because one is tangible and the other intangible, the physical and metaphysical are generally treated separately. But this dichotomy is illogical.
Evolution on Answers Research Journal
Neo-Darwinian evolution is the ruling paradigm in all of secular science. Universal common descent with modification by mutation and natural selection over millions of years pervades all biological and paleontological scientific fields. But Scripture explicitly teaches recent, divine creation of all life. All creatures were created by God originally perfect, “front-loaded” with massive genetic diversity according to their kinds (which is usually equated to the current biological classification of the Family level).
According to evolutionary theory, mutation and natural selection have produced all life forms from a common single-celled organism. But instead of showing evidence of Darwinian evolution, organisms show evidence of losing genetic diversity via mutation, natural selection, and speciation. Observable science supports the biblical model of created kinds that have lost genetic information, due to the fall and other mechanisms since, and contradicts molecules-to-man evolution.
The aim of these research papers in Answers Research Journal (ARJ) is to consider evolution from the perspective of the recent creation within a biblical framework and provide evidence that refutes molecules-to-man evolution. These professional, peer-reviewed papers address issues related to evolution in the fields of biology, genetics, microbiology, immunology, and other relevant scientific fields. Our journal considers evolution in light of creation, the created kinds (baraminology), the fall, paleontology, anthropology, mutation and natural selection, and more.