
A Biblical Timescale for Radiocarbon Dating

A Biblical Timescale for Radiocarbon Dating

Marshall Jordan • May 29, 2024

The low content of C-14 in fossil fuels implies that the atmospheric C-14 level in the pre-Flood world was less than 1% of today’s level, in contrast to the uniformitarian assumption.

Remembering Spillover Erosion of Grand Canyon

Remembering Spillover Erosion of Grand Canyon

Dr. Steve Austin , et. al. • Sept. 9, 2020

We should remember an important fact—creationist and evolutionist thinking about spillover continues to make a significant contribution to our understanding of erosion of Grand Canyon.

The Stegosaur Engravings at Ta Prohm

The Stegosaur Engravings at Ta Prohm

David Woetzel • Sept. 13, 2017

Artwork at Cambodia’s Angkor Wat temple appears to depict a dinosaur. Though the engraving is “stegosaur-like,” this interpretation has been criticized.

Did Death of Any Kind Exist Before the Fall?

Did Death of Any Kind Exist Before the Fall?

Simon Turpin • April 3, 2013

Death, whether animal or human, physical or spiritual, is a consequence of man’s disobedience toward his Creator and an intrusion into His “very good” creation.

Determining the Ark Kinds

Determining the Ark Kinds

Dr. Jean Lightner , et. al. • Aug. 1, 2014

This research effort provides information necessary for the best possible reconstruction of the animal kinds preserved on the Ark for the Ark Encounter.

Those Enigmatic Neanderthals

Those Enigmatic Neanderthals

Anne Habermehl • Jan. 13, 2010

Young-earth creationists rightly consider that Neanderthals were human, but are divided on various issues.

Fraud and Forgery in Paleoanthropology

Fraud and Forgery in Paleoanthropology

Dr. Jerry Bergman • Dec. 23, 2009

A review of the history of paleoanthropology leads to the conclusion that the discipline is far less objective than that for physics, chemistry, or even biology.

The Origin of Oil—A Creationist Answer

The Origin of Oil—A Creationist Answer

John Matthews • Dec. 17, 2008

The dominant view of the origin of oil amongst western oil companies until 1969 was that it was due to the decay of living matter. Now other views are making themselves heard.

Catastrophic Granite Formation

Catastrophic Granite Formation

Dr. Andrew A. Snelling • Feb. 6, 2008

The timescale for the generation of granitic magmas and their subsequent intrusion, crystallization, and cooling as plutons is no longer incompatible with the biblical time frames.

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