

Professional, peer-reviewed papers discussing a biblical worldview

Bible-Based Knowledge (Science)

Bible-Based Knowledge (Science)

Richard Overman • Jan. 17, 2024

This paper proposes biblically based scientific philosophies as well as providing suggested mechanisms for the development of a bible-based scientific model for the four major scientific communities.

The Central Role of Darwinism in the Vietnam War

The Central Role of Darwinism in the Vietnam War

Dr. Jerry Bergman • March 1, 2023

Charles Darwin’s (1809–1882) ideas helped to guide Social Darwinism, which was an underpinning of the Communist and the National Socialist (Nazi) ideologies.

Scriptural Geology, Then and Now

Scriptural Geology, Then and Now

Warren H. Johns • Nov. 30, 2016

The place of the biblical Flood in the geological record remains one of the most hotly debated issues among creationist geologists today.

Worldview Bias and the Origin of Hebrew Worship

Worldview Bias and the Origin of Hebrew Worship

Scott Aniol • July 15, 2015

Secularists claim that similarities between Israel’s worship and that of other nations in the OT prove Israel’s worship was rooted in its neighbors religion.

Speculation on Redshift in a Created Universe1

Speculation on Redshift in a Created Universe1

Dr. John G. Hartnett • Feb. 11, 2015

Dr. Hartnett speculates about the idea that what we observe in the universe is not in equilibrium; that is, the state of the universe is in a transient state.

The Importance of an Historical Adam

The Importance of an Historical Adam

Simon Turpin • May 29, 2013

In secular culture it is common to view the biblical history of Adam as a story, myth, or a parable but this is now also becoming the standard interpretation for many within the evangelical community.

Is There a Dominion Mandate?

Is There a Dominion Mandate?

Darek Isaacs • Jan. 9, 2013

The dominion mandate is not named nor defined in Scripture, and so offering a deeper definition, which everyone can agree on, is not possible. However, it is possible to locate where the idea is found

Time to Abandon Postmodernism: Living a New Way

Time to Abandon Postmodernism: Living a New Way

Dr. Andrew Fabich • Oct. 12, 2011

In Western civilization, the Mosaic generation and those that are younger are leaving religious institutions en masse while embracing spirituality nonetheless at unprecedented rates.

Inherit the Wind

Inherit the Wind

Dr. Jerry Bergman • March 31, 2010

Although the play was widely believed to be an accurate synopsis of the historical trial, often called the Trial of the Century, it grossly distorted the actual events of history.

Untangling Uniformitarianism

Untangling Uniformitarianism

Dr. John K. Reed • March 17, 2010

Of the nine terms associated with uniformitarianism, seven can be replaced or eliminated, which refutes the accusation that diluvialists do not understand uniformitarianism.

Fraud and Forgery in Paleoanthropology

Fraud and Forgery in Paleoanthropology

Dr. Jerry Bergman • Dec. 23, 2009

A review of the history of paleoanthropology leads to the conclusion that the discipline is far less objective than that for physics, chemistry, or even biology.

Toward a Practical Theology of Peer Review

Toward a Practical Theology of Peer Review

Todd Charles Wood , et. al. • April 9, 2008

The irony of the conflict over peer review is that peer review is poorly understood and criticized even in conventional journals.

Worldview on Answers Research Journal

Worldview is most aptly described as a way of viewing reality. Worldview is a fundamental part of an individual’s core self. An individual’s worldview encompasses their religious convictions, values, epistemology, ideologies, dispositions, philosophies, and all other deeply held beliefs. People’s worldviews describe not only their existing assumptions and beliefs about reality but also the manner in which they interpret all new information. The exact same information will be perceived and evaluated differently by two individuals with different worldviews.

A person’s worldview has rightly been described as a pair of glasses through which he or she views reality. When one is wearing glasses, all new visual inputs first pass through the lenses and are changed by them before reaching one’s eyes. As new information is received and filtered through a person’s worldview, it then becomes part of the existing paradigmatic infrastructure of their present worldview, which in turn will become the adapted filter for all further data and information. People’s natural tendency is to modify all new information in a way that strengthens their preexisting worldview. Truth that challenges a person’s worldview is unsettling, so it is normally ignored or discredited.

A person’s worldview is shaped by his or her culture, upbringing, community, family, friends, peers, reading, lifestyle, entertainment, choices, etc. No one is without a worldview, and no one is unbiased in interpreting data. Worldview neutrality is a myth.

The Answers Research Journal (ARJ) is dedicated to affirming a biblical worldview. The authors of the ARJ begin all academic inquiry and scientific study on the authority of God’s Word as revealed in Scripture. In contrast to other academic journals, all data is interpreted through the lens of Scripture, not the other way around. Although several religious belief systems exist in the world, ultimately, there are only two religions: one built upon God’s Word and one built upon man’s word. The ARJ is unapologetically committed to upholding a biblical worldview anchored upon the Word of God.

ISSN: 1937-9056 Copyright © Answers in Genesis, Inc.