Research conducted by Answers in Genesis staff scientists or sponsored by Answers in Genesis is funded solely by supporters’ donations.
Information on the class Mammalia was evaluated in an attempt to get a realistic estimate of what mammalian kinds would have been represented on the Ark.
The following are the appendices and references for the paper, Mammalian Ark Kinds:
Appendix 1. Mammalian hybrids—Macropodidae.
Sthenurinae | ||
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Lagostrophus | fasciatus | Banded Hair-wallaby |
Macropodinae | ||
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Dendrolagus | bennettianus | Bennett’s Tree-kangaroo |
Dendrolagus | dorianus | Doria’s Tree-kangaroo |
Dendrolagus | goodfellowi | Goodfellow’s Tree-kangaroo |
Dendrolagus | inustus | Grizzled Tree-kangaroo |
Dendrolagus | lumholtzi | Lumholtz’s Tree-kangaroo |
Dendrolagus | matschiei | Huon Tree-kangaroo |
Dendrolagus | mbaiso | Dingiso |
Dendrolagus | pulcherrimus | Golden-mantled Tree-kangaroo |
Dendrolagus | scottae | Tenkile |
Dendrolagus | spadix | Lowlands Tree-kangaroo |
Dendrolagus | stellarum | Seri’s Tree-kangaroo |
Dendrolagus | ursinus | Ursine Tree-kangaroo |
Dorcopsis | atrata | Black Dorcopsis |
Dorcopsis | hageni | White-striped Dorcopsis |
Dorcopsis | luctuosa | Gray Dorcopsis |
Dorcopsis | muelleri | Brown Dorcopsis |
Dorcopsis | macleayi | Macleay’s Dorcopsis |
Dorcopsis | vanheurni | Small Dorcopsis |
Lagorchestes | asomatus | Lake Mackay Hare-wallaby |
Lagorchestes | conspicillatus | Spectacled Hare-wallaby |
Lagorchestes | hirsutus | Rufous Hare-wallaby |
Lagorchestes | leporides | Eastern Hare-wallaby |
Macropus | agilis (3) | Agile Wallaby |
Macropus | antilopinus | Antilopine Kangaroo |
Macropus | bernardus | Woodward’s Wallaroo |
Macropus | dorsalis | Black-striped Wallaby |
Macropus | eugenii | Tammar Wallaby |
Macropus | fuliginosus (1, 2) | Western Grey Kangaroo |
Macropus | giganteus (1, 2) | Eastern Grey Kangaroo |
Macropus | greyi | Toolache Wallaby |
Macropus | irma | Western Brush Wallaby |
Macropus | parma | Parma Wallaby |
Macropus | parryi (1) | Pretty-faced Wallaby |
Macropus | robustus (2) | Wallaroo |
Macropus | rufogriseus (4) | Red-necked Wallaby |
Macropus | rufus (1, 2) | Red Kangaroo |
Onychogalea | fraenata | Brindled Nail-tail Wallaby |
Onychogalea | lunata | Crescent Nail-tail Wallaby |
Onychogalea | unguifera | Northern Nail-tail Wallaby |
Petrogale | assimilis (5) | Allied Rock-wallaby |
Petrogale | brachyotis | Short-eared Rock-wallaby |
Petrogale | burbidgei | Monjon |
Petrogale | coenensis | Cape York Rock-wallaby |
Petrogale | concinna | Nabarlek |
Petrogale | godmani | Godman’s Rock-wallaby |
Petrogale | herberti | Herbert’s Rock-wallaby |
Petrogale | inornata (5) | Unadorned Rock-wallaby |
Petrogale | lateralis | Black-flanked Rock-wallaby |
Petrogale | mereeba (5) | Mareeba Rock-wallaby |
Petrogale | penicillata | Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby |
Petrogale | persephone | Proserpine Rock-wallaby |
Petrogale | purpureicollis | Perple-necked Rock-wallaby |
Petrogale | rothschildi | Rothschild’s Rock-wallaby |
Petrogale | sharmani (5) | Mt. Claro Rock-wallaby |
Petrogale | xanthopus | Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby |
Setonix | brachyurus | Quokka |
Thylogale | billardierii | Tasmanian Pademelon |
Thylogale | browni | Brown’s Pademelon |
Thylogale | brunii | Dusky Pademelon |
Thylogale | calabyi | Calaby’s Pademelon |
Thylogale | lanatus | Mountain Pademelon |
Thylogale | stigmatica (4) | Red-legged Pademelon |
Thylogale | thetis (4) | Red-necked Pademelon |
Wallabia | bicolor (3) | Swamp Wallaby |
(1) The Eastern Grey Kangaroo has crossed with the Western Grey Kangaroo, the Pretty-faced Wallaby, and the Red Kangaroo (Gray 1972, pp. 167–168).
(2) The Red Kangaroo, in addition to hybridizing the the Eastern (#1) and Western Grey Kangaroos, has hybridized with the Walaroo (Gray 1972, p. 168).
(3) The Agile Wallaby has crossed with the Swamp Wallaby (VanGelder 1977, pp. 5–6). Mentioned in Gary (1972) with both under the genus name Wallabia (pp. 169–170).
(4) The Red-necked Pademelon has hybridized with the Red-legged Pademelon and the Red-necked Wallaby (Bennet’s Wallaby in Gray) (Gray 1972, p. 169).
(5) Crosses have been produced between the Allied Rock-wallaby and the Unadorned, Mareeba, and Mt. Claro Rock-wallabies (Close et al. 1996). Each of these species differ in karyotype.
Appendix 2. Mammalian hybrids—Elephantidae.
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Elephus | maximus (1) | Asian Elephant |
Loxodonta | africana (1) | African Bush Elephant |
Loxodonta | cyclotis | African Forest Elephant |
(1) An Asian elephant gave birth to a male calf, Motty, at Chester Zoo in England in 1978; the sire was an African elephant (
For many years the African Bush and Forest Elephants were considered different subspecies of L. africana.
Appendix 3. Mammalian hybrids—Cercopithecidae.
Cercopithecinae | ||
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Allenopithecus | nigroviridis (1) | Allen’s Swamp Monkey |
Cercocebus | 6 species (2, 3) | Mangabeys |
Cercopithecus | 25 species (1, 4, 5) | various Monkeys and Guenons |
Chlorocebus | 6 species | various Monkeys and Vervet |
Erythrocebus | patas (5) | Patas Monkey |
Lophocebus | 3 species | various Mangabeys |
Macaca | 21 species (2, 4) | Macaque |
Mandrillus | 2 species (3, 6) | Mandrills |
Miopithecus | 2 species | Talapoin |
Papio | 5 species (6, 7) | Baboon |
Theropithecus | gelada (7) | Gelada |
Colobinae | ||
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Colobus | 5 species | Colobuses |
Nasalis | larvatus | Proboscis Monkey |
Piliocolobus | 9 species | other Colobuses |
Presbytis | 10 species | Surilis and Langurs |
Procolobus | verus | Olive Colobus |
Pygathrix | 3 species | Douc Langurs |
Rhinopithecus | 4 species | Snub-nosed Monkeys |
Semnopithecus | 7 species | Gray Langurs |
Simias | cancolor | Simakobou |
Trachypithecus | 17 species | Lutungs, Leaf-monkeys, and other Langurs |
(1) Allenopithecus nigroviridis has crossed with Cercopithecus aethiops producing viable offspring (Van Gelder 1977).
(2) Two species of Cercocebus have each crossed with two species of Macaca (Van Gelder 1977).
(3) There are two reported cases of Cercocebus crossing with Mandrillus, resulting in live birth (Van Gelder 1977).
(4) Several species of Cercopithecus have been crossed succesfully with several species of Macaca (Van Gelder 1977).
(5) A hybrid was produced between one species of Cercopithecus and Erythrocebus patas (Van Gelder 1977).
(6) Several species of Mandrillus have hybridized with various species from Papio (Van Gelder 1977).
(7) Theropithecus gelada has hybridized with Papio (Van Gelder 1977).
Appendix 4. Mammal hybrids—Sciuridae.
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Ratufa | 4 species | Giant Squirrels |
Sciurillus | pusillus | Neotropical Pygmy Squirrel |
Microsciurus | 4 species | Dwarf Squirrels |
Rheithrosciurus | macrotis | Tufted Ground Squirrel or Groove-toothed Squirrel |
Sciurus | 28 species | Tree Squirrels |
Syntheosciurus | brochus | Bang’s Mountain Squirrel |
Tamiasciurus | 3 species (2) | Red Squirrels or Chickarees |
Aeretes | melanopterus | Northern Chinese Flying Squirrel or Groove-toothed Flying Squirrel |
Aeromys | 2 species | Large Black Flying Squirrels |
Belomys | pearsonii | Hairy-footed Flying Squirrel |
Biswamoyopterus | biswasi | Namdapha Flying Squirrel |
Eoglaucomys | fimbriatus | Kashmir Flying Squirrel |
Eupetaurus | cinereus | Woolly Flying Squirrel |
Glaucomys | 2 species | New World Flying Squirrels |
Hylopetes | 9 species | Arrow-tailed Flying Squirrels |
Iomys | 2 species | Horsfield’s Flying Squirrels |
Petaurillus | 3 species | Pygmy Flying Squirrels |
Petaurista | 8 species | Giant Flying Squirrels |
Petinomys | 9 species | Dwarf Flying Squirrels |
Pteromys | 2 species | Old World Flying Squirrels |
Pteromyscus | pulverulentus | Smoky Flying Squirrel |
Trogopterus | xanthipes | Complex-toothed Flying Squirrels |
Callosciurus | 15 species | Beautiful Squirrels or Tricolored Squirrels |
Dremomys | 6 species | Red-cheeked Squirrels |
Exilisciurus | 3 species | Pygmy Squirrels |
Funambulus | 5 species | Asiatic Striped Palm Squirrels |
Glyphotes | simus | Bornean Pygmy Squirrel or Sculptor Squirrel |
Hyosciurus | 2 species | Sulawesi Long-nosed Squirrels |
Lariscus | 4 species | Malaysian Striped Ground Squirrels |
Menetes | berdmorei | Berdmore’s or Multistriped Palm Squirrel |
Nannosciurus | melanotis | Black-eared Squirrel |
Prosciurillus | 5 species | Sulawesi Dwarf Squirrels |
Rhinosciurus | laticaudatus | Long-nosed Squirrel or Shrew-faced Squirrel |
Rubrisciurus | rubriventer | Sulawesi Giant Squirrel |
Sundasciurus | 15 species | Sunda Tree Squirrels |
Tamiops | 4 species | Asiatic Striped Squirrel |
Atlantoxerus | getulus | Barbary Groud Squirrel |
Spermophilopsis | leptodactylus | Long-clawed Ground Squirrel |
Xerus | 4 species | African Ground Squirrels |
Epixerus | ebii | African Palm Squirrels |
Funisciurus | 9 species | African Striped Squirrels or Rope Squirrels |
Heliosciurus | 6 species | Sun Squirrels |
Myosciurus | pumilio | African Pygmy Squirrel |
Paraxerus | 11 species | African Bush Squirrels |
Protoxerus | 2 species | Oil Palm Squirrels |
Ammospermophilus | 5 species | Antelope Ground Squirrels |
Cynomys | 5 species | Prairie Dogs |
Marmota | 14 species (3) | Marmots |
Sciurotamias | 2 species | Rock Squirrels |
Spermophilus | 41 species (1) | Ground Squirrels or Susliks |
Tamias | 25 species | Chipmunks |
(1) There is abundant evidence of interspecific hybridization among members of this genus in contact zones (Cothran and Honeycutt
1984; Ermakov et al. 2002; Goodwin 1998; Hafner 1992; Spiridonova et al. 2006; Tsvirka, Chelomina, and Korablev 2006). Gray (1972) has some listed under the (invalid) genus name Citellus.
(2) There is evidence of hybridization between Tamiasciurus douglasii and T. hudsonicus in a contact zone (Chavez, Saltzberg, and Kenagy 2011).
(3) There is evidence of hybridization between Marmota baibacina and M. sibirica in a contact zone (Brandler, Nikol’sky, and Kolesnikov 2010).
Appendix 5. Mammal hybrids—Geomyidae.
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Cratogeomys | 8 species | Yellow-faced and Mexican Pocket Gophers |
Geomys | 9 species (1) | Eastern Pocket Gophers |
Orthogeomys | 11 species | Taltuzas |
Pappogeomys | 2 species | Alcorn’s and Buller’s Pocket Gophers |
Thomomys | 8 species (2) | Western Pocket Gophers |
Zygogeomys | trichopus | Michoacan Pocket Gopher |
(1) Hybrids have been reported in contact zones between several different species in Geomys (Harrison 1993).
(2) Hybrids have been reported in contact zones between Thomomys townsendii x T. umbrinus (Gray 1972, pp. 63–64).
Appendix 6. Mammal hybrids—Leporidae.
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Brachylagus | idahoensis | Pygmy Rabbit |
Bunolagus | monticularis | Riverine Rabbit |
Caprolagus | hispidus | Hispid Hare |
Lepus | 32 species (1, 2) | Common Hares and Jackrabbits |
Nesolagus | 2 species | Striped Rabbits |
Oryctolagus | cuniculus (2) | European Rabbit |
Pentalagus | furnessi | Amami Rabbit |
Poelagus | majorita | Bunyoro Rabbit |
Pronolagus | 3 species | Red Rock Hares |
Romerolagus | diazi | Volcano Rabbit |
Sylvilagus | 17 species | Cottontails |
(1) Hybrids have been reported between L. europaeus (European Hare) and L. timidus (Mountain Hare) (Gray 1972, pp. 90–91).
(2) Live hybrids are claimed between Lepus species and O. cuniculus (European rabbit), but not well documented. One well documented case of development past the blastocyst stage and implantation has been recorded (Chang, Marston and Hunt 1964; Gray 1972, pp. 91–92).
Appendix 7. Mammal hybrids—Felidae.
Felinae | ||
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Acinonyx | jubatus | Cheetah |
Caracal | caracal | Caracal |
Catopuma | badia | Bay Cat |
Catopuma | temminckii | Asian Golden Cat |
Felis | beiti | Chinese Mountain Cat |
Felis | catus (3) | Domestic Cat |
Felis | chaus (3) | Jungle Cat |
Felis | manul | Palla’s Cat |
Felis | margarita | Sand Cat |
Felis | nigripes | Blackfooted Cat |
Felis | silvestris (3) | Wildcat |
Leopardus | 9 species (4) | includes ocelot |
Leptailurus | serval | Serval |
Lynx | canadensis | Canadian Lynx |
Lynx | lynx | Eurasian Lynx |
Lynx | pardinus | Iberian Lynx |
Lynx | rufus (3) | Bobcat |
Pardofelis | marmorata | Marbled Cat |
Prionailurus | bengalensis (3) | Leopard Cat |
Prionailurus | iriomotensis | Iriomote Cat |
Prionailurus | planiceps | Flat-headded Cat |
Prionailurus | rubiginosus | Rusty-Spotted Cat |
Prionailurus | viverrinus | Fishng Cat |
Profelis | aurata | African Golden Cat |
Puma | concolor (1, 4) | Cougar |
Puma | yagouaroundi | Jaguarundi |
Pantherinae | ||
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Neofelis | nebulosa | Clouded Leopard |
Panthera | leo (2) | Lion |
Panthera | onca | Jaguar |
Panthera | pardus (1, 2) | Leopard |
Panthera | tigris (2) | Tiger |
Uncia | uncia | Snow Leopard |
(1) Reciprocal crossed have occurred between the Cougar and the Leopard (Gray 1972, pp. 37–38).
(2) Lions have crossed with both leopards and tigers (Gray 1972, pp. 39–40).
(3) The domestic cat is reported to have crossed with the Jungle Cat, European Wild Cat, Bobcat, and Leopard Cat (Gray 1972, pp. 35–37.
(4) The ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) has crosses with the Cougar (Puma concolor) (Dubost and Royère 1993).
Appendix 8. Mammal hybrids—Canidae.
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Atelocynus | microtis | Short-eared Dog |
Canis | adustus | Side-striped Jackal |
Canis | aureus (1) | Golden Jackal |
Canis | latrans (1, 4) | Coyote |
Canis | lupus (1) | Wolf |
Canis | mesomelas | Black-backed Jackal |
Canis | simensis | Ethiopian Wolf |
Cerdocyon | thous | Crab-eating Fox |
Chrysocyon | brachyurus | Maned Wolf |
Cuon | alpinus | Dhole |
Dusicyon | australis | Falkland Islands Wolf |
Lycalopex | culpaeus | Culpeo |
Lycalopex | fulvipes | Darwin’s Fox |
Lycalopex | griseus | South American Gray Fox |
Lycalopex | gymnocercus | Pampas Fox |
Lycalopex | sechurae | Sechuran Fox |
Lycalopex | vetulus | Hoary Fox |
Lycaon | pictus | African wild dog |
Nyctereutes | procyonoides | Raccoon dog |
Otocyon | megalotis | Bat-eared Fox |
Speothos | venaticus | Bush Dog |
Urocyon | cinereoargenteus | Gray Fox |
Urocyon | littoralis | Island Fox |
Vulpes | bengalensis | Bengal Fox |
Vulpes | cana | Blanford’s Fox |
Vulpes | chama | Cape Fox |
Vulpes | corsac | Corsac Fox |
Vulpes | ferrilata | Tibetan Sand Fox |
Vulpes | lagopus (2) | Arctic Fox |
Vulpes | macrotis (3) | Kit Fox |
Vulpes | pallida | Pale Fox |
Vulpes | rueppellii | Rüppell’s Fox |
Vulpes | velox (3) | Swift Fox |
Vulpes | vulpes (2, 4) | Red Fox |
Vulpes | zerda | Fennec Fox |
(1) Well documented hybrids with domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) (Gray 1972, pp. 46–47).
(2) The Arctic Fox has hybridized with both the Red Fox, and the color variant called the Silver Fox (formerly Vulpes fulva) (Gray 1972, pp. 44–45).
(3) Hybridization inferred from intermediate skull morphology found in region where species overlap (Rohwer and Kilgore 1973).
(4) A zoo hybrid documented in International Zoo Yearbook 15, Duplaix-Hal (1975, p. 372). Further documentation in VanGelder (1977, p. 10).
Appendix 9. Mammal hybrids—Ursidae.
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Ailuropoda | melanoleuca | Giant Panda |
Helarctos | malayanus (1) | Sun Bear |
Melurus | ursinus (1) | Sloth Bear |
Tremarctos | ornatus (3) | Spectacled Bear |
Ursus | americanus (2) | American Black Bear |
Ursus | arctos (2) | Brown Bear |
Ursus | maritimus (2) | Polar Bear |
Ursus | thibetanus (1, 2, 3) | Asian Black Bear |
(1) The Sun Bear has hybridized with both the Sloth Bear and the Asian Black Bear (Hennigan 2009).
(2) The Brown Bear has hybridized with the American Black Bear, Polar Bear, and Asian Black Bear (Hennigan 2009).
(3) The Asian Black Bear has hybridized with the Spectacled Bear (Hennigan 2009).
Appendix 10. Mammal hybrids—Equidae.
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Equus | asinus (1) | Ass |
Equus | burchellii (1) | Burchell’s Zebra |
Equus | caballus (1) | Horse |
Equus | grevyi (1) | Grévy’s Zebra |
Equus | hemionus (1) | Onager |
Equus | kiang (1) | Kiang |
Equus | quagga (1?, 2) | Quagga |
Equus | zebra (1, 2) | Mountain Zebra |
(1) Crosses have been reported between the Ass and all other equine species. The cross between the Ass and the Quagga (now extinct) has been questioned (Gray 1972, pp. 94–101).
(2) The Quagga has been involved other crosses that are not questionable accorording to Gray, including with the Mountain Zebra (Gray 1972, p. 112).
Appendix 11. Mammal hybrids—Tapiridae.
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Tapirus | bairdii (1) | Baird’s Tapir |
Tapirus | indicus | Malayan Tapir |
Tapirus | pinchaque | Mountain Tapir |
Tapirus | terrestris (1) | South American Tapir |
(1) Crosses have occurred between the Baird’s and South American Tapirs at the San Francisco Zoo (Anonymous n.d.).
Appendix 12. Mammal hybrids—Rhinocerotidae.
Genus | Species | Common Name |
Ceratotherium | simum (1) | White Rhinoceros |
Dicerorhinus | sumatrensis | Sumatran Rhinoceros |
Diceros | bicornis (1) | Black Rhinoceros |
Rhinoceros | sondaicus | Javan Rhinoceros |
Rhinoceros | unicornis | Indian Rhinoceros |
(1) A hybrid between a white and a black rhinoceros has been confirmed (Robinson et al 2005).
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