Adam and Eve

Adam and Eve

Professional, peer-reviewed papers about a historical Adam and Eve from the perspective of a recent creation within a biblical framework.

The Importance of an Historical Adam

The Importance of an Historical Adam

Simon Turpin • May 29, 2013

In secular culture it is common to view the biblical history of Adam as a story, myth, or a parable but this is now also becoming the standard interpretation for many within the evangelical community.

Did Death of Any Kind Exist Before the Fall?

Did Death of Any Kind Exist Before the Fall?

Simon Turpin • April 3, 2013

Death, whether animal or human, physical or spiritual, is a consequence of man’s disobedience toward his Creator and an intrusion into His “very good” creation.

Is There a Dominion Mandate?

Is There a Dominion Mandate?

Darek Isaacs • Jan. 9, 2013

The dominion mandate is not named nor defined in Scripture, and so offering a deeper definition, which everyone can agree on, is not possible. However, it is possible to locate where the idea is found

Those Enigmatic Neanderthals

Those Enigmatic Neanderthals

Anne Habermehl • Jan. 13, 2010

Young-earth creationists rightly consider that Neanderthals were human, but are divided on various issues.

Adam and Eve on Answers Research Journal

Many critical scholars have challenged the existence of the historical Adam and Eve. Opponents to the historicity of the first couple as described in the book of Genesis often object because of their evolutionary presuppositions. Some biblical scholars claim Adam and Eve were mythological or allegorical figures with no basis in real history.

The aim of these research papers in Answers Research Journal (ARJ) is to deeply consider Adam and Eve from the perspective of the recent creation within a biblical framework. These professional, peer-reviewed papers address issues related to the historical first parents and how they relate to other disciplines. Our journal considers the historical Adam and Eve in light of creation, the evolutionary worldview, biblical scholarship, genetics, racism, the inerrancy of the Bible, the fall, early humanity, and more.

The primary account of Adam and Eve is found in the Bible in Genesis 1–5. In that passage, we learn Adam and Eve were created directly by God in his image (Genesis 1:27) and placed in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:8). They were told not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17), but they eventually ate from it and were judged (Genesis 3). In the Bible, we learn Adam and Eve were the first people created and that every other human descended from them.

The existence of Adam and Eve is verified throughout the Old and New Testaments. The original Hebrew and Greek biblical texts assume the reality of the first couple by incorporating them into the authors’ historical narratives and theological arguments. ARJ authors also consider non-biblical lines of evidence (e.g., mitochondrial Eve) that argue for the existence of the historical Adam and Eve. Each paper included on this page investigates some aspect of a biblical, historical Adam or Eve.

ISSN: 1937-9056 Copyright © Answers in Genesis, Inc.