An Initial Estimate toward Identifying and Numbering the Ark Turtle and Crocodile Kinds
Biosystematics is in great flux today because of the plethora of genetic research continually shedding light on organism relationships.
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Biosystematics is in great flux today because of the plethora of genetic research continually shedding light on organism relationships.
In recent years there has been increasing discussion of craters within the creation paradigm.
Assuming that Peter’s statement about the moon being turned to blood was a reference to the Crucifixion, it is plausible that unusual atmospheric conditions at that time were responsible.
The purpose of this paper is to use all available information in order to make an initial estimate of the identification and numbers of extant Lepidosaur kinds, except for the “lizards.”
There is evidence for rapid granite formation during the Flood.
The big bang model is contrary to the Bible and the recent creation model. Since in our view the big bang never happened, the CMB requires some alternate explanation.
Modern genomics provides the ability to screen the DNA of a wide variety of organisms to scrutinize broken metabolic pathways. This data has revealed wide-spread genetic entropy in human genomes.
Meteorites have been used to date the earth with a 4.55 ± 0.07 Ga Pb-Pb isochron called the geochron.
Astronomers have developed an elaborate, physically robust evolutionary theory to explain the abundances that we see throughout the universe. While this theory may be explanatory, it has no predictive
This paper reviews claims made by Gerald L. Schroeder in relation to the nature of light and the age of the universe.
Psychiatry is facing a crisis, and it is well known that psychiatry has taken over many concepts from the Bible and secularized them.
That psychological properties can be attributed to a brain is a popular notion, even among Christians. This paper argues that such claims are incorrect.
The evolutionary theory cannot explain certain aspects of solar system bodies. There have been few comprehensive proposals for a creationary model.
Creationist studies are replete with discussions of Genesis 1:1–2:3 and 5:28–9:29, but Genesis 2:4–3:24, has remained largely untouched.
This paper documents the radioisotope dating data for more meteorites, so as to continue the discussion of the significance of these data.
The different dating systems are calibrated to one another: dates assigned to the seafloor sediments are used to date the ice cores, and vice versa.
In spite of numerous attempts for over 60 years to determine the 87Rb half-life and decay constant, there is still no consensus.
Creationists have recently considered impact cratering in the solar system occurring during the fourth day of the Creation Week.
When added to previously determined kinds of extant anurans, caudates, and gymnophionans, a total of 248 amphibian kinds may have been brought on board the Ark.
From various problems in cosmology a need has developed to postulate the existence of unknown types of energy and matter from the dark side.
A major shift in thinking seems to be occurring in contemporary evangelical thinking.
Children have an innate, natural, intuitive, and unlearned tendency to reason about the world as biblical creationists do.
This paper responds to a 2013 Jeanson paper critical of a series of Acts & Facts articles published by the Institute for Creation Research (ICR).
This second installment is a continuation of my response to a recent critical paper (Jeanson 2013) on a series of Acts & Facts articles.
This third installment is a continuation of my response to a recent critical paper (Jeanson 2013).
In this three-part ~35,000-word response, Guliuzza (2014a, b, c) fails to clearly define his terms and/or use them consistently.
I contend that expansion of space is of itself not tenable as a mechanism for the expansion of the universe.
In 2013 D. R. Faulkner proposed what he says is a new solution to the biblical creationist starlight travel-time problem.
I am delighted that my friend, John Hartnett, has responded with some objections to my proposal for a new solution to the light travel time problem.
In this study, I analyzed a theropod dinosaur group, Tyrannosauroidea, through the use of statistical baraminology.
If the Lu-Hf dating method has been calibrated against the U-Pb “gold standard” with its own uncertainties, then it cannot be absolute.
In light of these new data, alternative depositional models for the Coconino should be considered.
This third paper documents the radioisotope dating data for more meteorites, so as to continue the discussion of the significance of these data.