Professional, peer-reviewed papers about Neanderthals from the perspective of a recent creation and global Flood within a biblical framework.

Ancient DNA Shows Neanderthals and Denisovans Descending from Noah in the Line Ham
Marshall Jordan • Jan. 31, 2024
The study presented here uses a reconstruction of a Y chromosome tree based on the biblical assumption that all humans have descended from Noah.

Java Man: A Creature Between Apes and Humans, an Extinct Ape, or a Primitive Man?
Dr. Jerry Bergman • May 18, 2022
Details of the Java man fossils were discussed as well as the problem of creating a species from a few bone fragments.

Louis Agassiz and Alexander Winchell: Two Case Histories of Creationists Who Illustrate That Rejecting Genesis Influences the Acceptance of Racism
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Sept. 23, 2020
Theories that attempted to harmonize evolution and the Scriptures gave birth to, and perpetuated, a form of scientific racism based on Darwinism.

Likely Discontinuity Between Humans and Non-Human Hominins Based on Endocranial Volume and Body Mass with a Special Focus on Homo naledi—A Short Analysis
Jean O’Micks • Oct. 11, 2017
According to the evolutionary concept of encephalization, endocranial volume increases from more primitive species to more developed ones.

Response to “Reply to ‘Response to ‘On the Creationist View on mtDNA’.”
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson • Oct. 4, 2017
I am pleased to see that the young-earth creation (YEC) critic, Stefan Frello, seeks to continue our exchange of ideas.

Book Review of Almost Human, the Astonishing Tale of Homo naledi and the Discovery that Changed our Human Story, by Lee Berger and John Hawks
Jean O’Micks , et. al. • Aug. 30, 2017
We review four main sections of the book starting with his first trip to Tanzania, H. floresiensis, Australopithecus sediba, and Homo naledi.

Further Evidence That Homo naledi Is Not a Member of the Human Holobaramin Based on Measurements of Vertebrae and Ribs
Jean O’Micks • June 21, 2017
This study provides further evidence that Homo naledi is indeed not a member of the human holobaramin, but related rather to australopiths.

Rebuttal to “Reply to O’Micks Concerning the Geology and Taphonomy of the Homo naledi Site” and “Identifying Humans in the Fossil Record: A Further Response to O’Micks”
Jean O’Micks • Feb. 15, 2017
Baraminic analyses suggest that both H. naledi and H. floresiensis are not part of the human holobaramin.

Reply to “Taxon Sample in Hominin Baraminology: A Response to O’Micks”
Jean O’Micks • Dec. 28, 2016
Baraminology is a holistic science and should distinguish between more or less important morphological characteristics.

Taxon Sample Size in Hominin Baraminology: A Response to O’Micks
Todd Charles Wood • Dec. 28, 2016
Re-analysis of O’Micks’ character sets show that the lack of baraminic distance correlations is likely the result of a small taxon sample.

Stone Tools from the Early Tertiary in Europe—A Contradiction to Any Evolutionary Theory About the Origin of Man and to Long Geological Periods of Time
Michael Brandt • June 26, 2013
Approximately between 1860 and 1930, in some cases even later, there was a discussion about flint findings from Paleocene to Pliocene strata which were similar to tools.

Those Enigmatic Neanderthals
Anne Habermehl • Jan. 13, 2010
Young-earth creationists rightly consider that Neanderthals were human, but are divided on various issues.
Neanderthals on Answers Research Journal
Much has changed in the field of evolutionary anthropology in recent years. Perhaps no other alleged “ancient human” has undergone such a radical transformation in the past five decades. Long thought of as a human ancestor, now Neanderthals are viewed as (almost) fully human by secular scientists. Though still thought of as a “cousin” to modern humans, the Neanderthal has gone from a grunting brute caveman savage to a fully intelligent, linguistic, creative and skilled hunter-gatherer, herdsman, and even farmer.
Scripture states that from Noah’s three sons the whole world was populated (Genesis 9:19); therefore, Neanderthals must be considered in this light. Although Neanderthals are often characterized by physical features that were dominant in their population (most notably their prominent brow ridges), this is to be expected in small people groups who left Babel with their newly gained languages. Founder effect and genetic drift are more common in isolated populations and can account for these traits, but Neanderthals were fully human, and their physical features are not outside the range of human variation today.
Neanderthals were post-Babel humans who migrated into Europe and northern and central Asia and lived through the ice age in an inhospitable environment. Though some lived in caves out of necessity, they were not “primitive.” Archaeological finds have shown that they made art, jewelry, tools, musical instruments, and had sophisticated burial rites—as we would expect of humans made in God’s image.
The aim of these research papers in Answers Research Journal (ARJ) is to consider Neanderthals from the perspective of the recent creation within a biblical framework. These professional, peer-reviewed papers address issues related to the Neanderthals and how they relate to other post-Babel peoples. Our journal considers the Neanderthals in light of post-Babel human migration, the Ice Age, the evolutionary worldview, genetics, archaeology, and more.