Social and Religious Reproduction in the Family: Social Reproductive Failures Exemplified through the Lineage of Ham and Shem
Justin Singleton • June 5, 2024
This study will focus on presenting examples of the failure of Mitzraim, son of Ham, and of Shem to reproduce their father’s religious belief to their extending generations.

Cambodia’s Pol Pot: Another Darwin Disciple Commits Genocide
Dr. Jerry Bergman • Oct. 11, 2023
The Cambodian genocide that resulted in the loss of an estimated two million lives was reviewed.

The Central Role of Darwinism in the Vietnam War
Dr. Jerry Bergman • March 1, 2023
Charles Darwin’s (1809–1882) ideas helped to guide Social Darwinism, which was an underpinning of the Communist and the National Socialist (Nazi) ideologies.

Mind Cloning—Is It Feasible?
Matthew Cserhati • Aug. 24, 2022
Physicalists are still at a loss as to how to solve the hard problem of consciousness; namely, as to where consciousness comes from.

Biblical Integration in Anatomy and Physiology: A Design Approach
Elizabeth Sled • June 20, 2018
We have been created fearfully and wonderfully by our Creator God, and the human body showcases God’s intricate design.

Worldview Bias and the Origin of Hebrew Worship
Scott Aniol • July 15, 2015
Secularists claim that similarities between Israel’s worship and that of other nations in the OT prove Israel’s worship was rooted in its neighbors religion.

Hume’s Guillotine and Evolutionary Ethics: Evaluating Attempts to Overcome the Naturalistic Fallacy
Brenton H. Cook • Jan. 7, 2015
The problem of establishing an ontological basis for morality has troubled materialistic philosophers since Darwin.

Christians, the Brain, and Person: Conceptual Confusion, Unintelligibility, and Implications
Callie Joubert • June 11, 2014
That psychological properties can be attributed to a brain is a popular notion, even among Christians. This paper argues that such claims are incorrect.

A Christian Response to the Crisis in Psychiatry
Callie Joubert • May 28, 2014
Psychiatry is facing a crisis, and it is well known that psychiatry has taken over many concepts from the Bible and secularized them.

Is There a Dominion Mandate? Reply: A Response to Hennigan, Kulikovsky, and McDurmon
Darek Isaacs • May 1, 2013
Darek Isaacs responds to the challenges to his paper, “Is There a Dominion Mandate?”

Is There a Dominion Mandate? Discussion: A Response to Darek Isaacs
Tom Hennigan • May 1, 2013
Thomas D. Hennigan responds to Darek Isaacs’ paper, “Is There a Dominion Mandate?”

Is There a Dominion Mandate? Discussion: In Defense of Human Dominion
Andrew Kulikovsky • May 1, 2013
Andrew S. Kulikovsky responds to Darek Isaacs’ paper, “Is There a Dominion Mandate?”

Is There a Dominion Mandate? Discussion: The Dominion Mandate: Yesterday, Today, and Forever
Joel Mcdurmon • May 1, 2013
Joel McDurmon responds to Darek Isaacs’ paper, “Is There a Dominion Mandate?”

German and American Eugenics in the Pre-World War 1 Era
Danae Mcgregor • March 6, 2013
Before the traumatic devastation of the Nazi genocides, eugenics theory was widely accepted by both German and American scientists, especially in the pre-World War 1 era.

Comprehensive Analysis of Chimpanzee and Human Chromosomes Reveals Average DNA Similarity of 70%
Jeffrey P. Tomkins • Feb. 20, 2013
A common evolutionary claim is that the DNA of chimpanzees and humans are nearly identical. Modern DNA research is showing much higher levels of discontinuity.

Is There a Dominion Mandate?
Darek Isaacs • Jan. 9, 2013
The dominion mandate is not named nor defined in Scripture, and so offering a deeper definition, which everyone can agree on, is not possible. However, it is possible to locate where the idea is found

What Makes Us Human, and Why It Is Not the Brain: A Creationist Defense of the Soul: Reply
Callie Joubert • June 13, 2012
To depart from Scripture at any point is neither safe nor right. Thus Estabrook’s discussion of my paper (Joubert 2011) in which he expressed his difficulties with my defense of the soul is welcome.

What Makes Us Human, and Why It Is Not the Brain: A Creationist Defense of the Soul: Discussion
Darrell Estabrook • June 13, 2012
Certainly there is more to humans than a complex brain architecture from which a mind would seem to emerge. However, this reader has two difficulties.

What Makes Us Human, and Why It Is Not the Brain: A Creationist Defense of the Soul
Callie Joubert • Dec. 14, 2011
A Christian view of the world entails that science is not a Christian’s ultimate or sole source of knowledge and the physical world is not the only world there is.

How Genomes are Sequenced and Why it Matters: Implications for Studies in Comparative Genomics of Humans and Chimpanzees
Jeffrey P. Tomkins • June 22, 2011
When evaluating comparisons between genomes using DNA sequence, it is important to understand the nature of how that sequence was obtained and bioinformatically manipulated before drawing conclusions.