

Professional, peer-reviewed papers about secular issues from a theological, philosophical, and scientific perspective.

Is There a Dominion Mandate?

Is There a Dominion Mandate?

Darek Isaacs • Jan. 9, 2013

The dominion mandate is not named nor defined in Scripture, and so offering a deeper definition, which everyone can agree on, is not possible. However, it is possible to locate where the idea is found

Time to Abandon Postmodernism: Living a New Way

Time to Abandon Postmodernism: Living a New Way

Dr. Andrew Fabich • Oct. 12, 2011

In Western civilization, the Mosaic generation and those that are younger are leaving religious institutions en masse while embracing spirituality nonetheless at unprecedented rates.

Inherit the Wind

Inherit the Wind

Dr. Jerry Bergman • March 31, 2010

Although the play was widely believed to be an accurate synopsis of the historical trial, often called the Trial of the Century, it grossly distorted the actual events of history.

Untangling Uniformitarianism

Untangling Uniformitarianism

Dr. John K. Reed • March 17, 2010

Of the nine terms associated with uniformitarianism, seven can be replaced or eliminated, which refutes the accusation that diluvialists do not understand uniformitarianism.

Fraud and Forgery in Paleoanthropology

Fraud and Forgery in Paleoanthropology

Dr. Jerry Bergman • Dec. 23, 2009

A review of the history of paleoanthropology leads to the conclusion that the discipline is far less objective than that for physics, chemistry, or even biology.

There Is No Darwin Conspiracy

There Is No Darwin Conspiracy

Todd Charles Wood • Jan. 28, 2009

Some contend that Charles Darwin plagiarized his theory of evolution. Whether you agree with the man or not, however, the evidence suggests the idea is his.

Toward a Practical Theology of Peer Review

Toward a Practical Theology of Peer Review

Todd Charles Wood , et. al. • April 9, 2008

The irony of the conflict over peer review is that peer review is poorly understood and criticized even in conventional journals.

Secularism in Answers Research Journal

The western world once based its policies, laws, ethics, and education upon the Christian worldview. Today, however, the Christian worldview has been largely removed from western society. This is because the western world today is overtly secular in its worldview. The word “secular” is related to the Latin word saeculum (“generation, age”). Therefore, secularism is essentially the belief that people can interpret life based on philosophies taken only from this world without any recourse to belief in God. The rise of secularism in public life is basically the promotion of a neutral and supposedly impartial worldview.

From a biblical point of view, there are numerous problems with a secular approach to reality. Whereas the idea of secularism purports man is neutral in his thinking, the Bible tells us that no one has a neutral worldview towards God (Romans 1:18–20; 8:7). Secularism presupposes that mankind is born with a “clean slate” (tabula rasa), but the Bible teaches that as descendants of Adam, man is born in sin (Psalm 51:5; 1 Corinthians 15:22). From a secular perspective, morality is situational and is decided by the general consensus of society, which leaves us with a nebulous system of right and wrong, good and evil. However, the Bible tells us that God’s moral law is universal and absolute (Romans 2:15; 3:19).

The aim of these research papers in Answers Research Journal (ARJ) is to evaluate the secular worldview in light of the biblical record. ARJ papers will engage and critique secular approaches to science, morality, philosophy, and cultural issues.

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