Professional, peer-reviewed papers about the gospel of Jesus Christ from the perspective of a recent creation and global Flood within a biblical framework.

Jesus’s Resurrection: An Archaeological Analysis
Matt Dawson • May 12, 2021
Several archaeological finds are indirect evidences which build a cumulative case supporting the biblical account of Jesus’s resurrection.

The Lost World of Adam and Eve: A Response
Steve Ham • July 29, 2015
This paper contends that Walton has given a magisterial authority to the ANE mythic texts in order to interpret the Genesis accounts.

The Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs: Stanley Fish, The Pragmatic Presuppositionalist
Mark Ward, Jr. • July 10, 2013
Literary theorist and prominent public intellectual Stanley Fish is a self-described “antifoundationalist”—someone who believes that truth is relative to one’s “interpretive community.”

A Response to Peter Enns’s Attack on Biblical Creationism
Lee Anderson, Jr. • April 17, 2013
This paper overviews the recent work of Peter Enns, The Evolution of Adam.

A Further Examination of the Gospel in the Stars
Dr. Danny R. Faulkner • Feb. 6, 2013
While well intended, the gospel in the stars is fraught with problems, and Christians are discouraged from using it.

Adam, Free Choice, and the Cause of Sin: A Creationist Response to a Christian Evolutionist
Callie Joubert • Oct. 26, 2011
This paper will show that Christian professor Daniel Brannan’s arguments are based on faulty premises regarding Adam’s constitutional nature, the nature of Adam’s perfection and Adam’s free choice.

An Examination of Augustine’s Commentaries on Genesis One and Their Implications on a Modern Theological Controversy
Dr. Tim Chaffey • July 13, 2011
Few individuals in church history are as popular as Augustine of Hippo. Old-earthers claim him as support for figurative interpretations of Genesis 1. But what did Augustine really say?
The Gospel on Answers Research Journal
Because of sin, first introduced into creation by our first parents Adam and Eve and perpetuated by all people ever since, all people are under a just, eternal condemnation and are separated from God. To be saved and reconciled back to God, one must believe the gospel message, repent of his or her sin, and put his or her faith in Jesus Christ alone.
The gospel is at the heart of what it means to follow God as a Christian. Moreover, it has implications in areas related to a scientific journal like the Answers Research Journal (ARJ). For instance, if Jesus never existed, then there would be no Son of God to die for sins. Or if Jesus was never resurrected and remained in the tomb, there would be no basis to believe in a future resurrection that is promised in Scripture. So scientific, philosophical, and theological inquiries have a direct bearing on the content of the gospel.
The aim of the research papers in Answers Research Journal (ARJ) is to consider the gospel from the starting point of a recent Creation and global Flood within a biblical framework. These professional, peer-reviewed papers address issues related to the gospel and how that understanding relates to other areas of science, philosophy, and theology. This journal considers the gospel in the light of biblical studies, the resurrection of Jesus, archaeology, Augustine, evolutionary creation, theistic evolution, the uniqueness of man, and other areas within a biblical framework.