Noah’s Ark

Noah’s Ark

Professional, peer-reviewed papers about Noah’s ark from the perspective of a recent creation and the global Flood within a biblical framework.

The Last Week before the Flood

The Last Week before the Flood

Dr. Steven W. Boyd • Aug. 17, 2016

While attempting to elucidate the general chronological profile of the events of the first week, we hope to answer two specific significant questions.

How Long Did the Flood Last?

How Long Did the Flood Last?

Dr. Danny R. Faulkner • May 13, 2015

Belief that the Flood lasted 371 days is common among recent creationists, but there are other possibilities.

Mammalian Ark Kinds

Mammalian Ark Kinds

Dr. Jean Lightner • Oct. 31, 2012

Information on the class Mammalia was evaluated in an attempt to get a realistic estimate of what mammalian kinds would have been represented on the Ark.

Determining the Ark Kinds

Determining the Ark Kinds

Dr. Jean Lightner , et. al. • Aug. 1, 2014

This research effort provides information necessary for the best possible reconstruction of the animal kinds preserved on the Ark for the Ark Encounter.

Noah’s Ark on Answers Research Journal

Many critical scholars have challenged the existence of Noah’s ark. Opponents to the historicity of the ark as described in the book of Genesis often object because of their evolutionary presuppositions as well as basic misconceptions about the biblical kind (as opposed to modern-day species). Some biblical scholars claim that Noah’s ark was either myth, allegorical moral tale, or historical but much smaller in scale because it was based on a local Mesopotamian or Black Sea flood.

The aim of these research papers in Answers Research Journal (ARJ) is to consider Noah’s ark from the perspective of a recent creation and subsequent global deluge within a biblical framework. These professional, peer-reviewed papers address issues related to Noah’s ark and highlight how they relate to pre-flood and post-flood biblical history as well as other disciplines, like zoology, physics, structural engineering, etc. Our journal considers Noah’s ark in light of the global Flood, biblical scholarship, baraminology, genetics, the inerrancy of the Bible, other flood legends, and more.

The primary account of Noah’s ark and the worldwide Flood is found in the Bible in Genesis 6–9. In that passage, we learn that Noah was to build an ark to save his family and representatives of every air-breathing, terrestrial-based animal from the coming flood, which God was going to send because of man’s great wickedness (Genesis 6:12–22). God gave Noah instructions on how to build the ark, including its size and layout, how to provision it, and how he would bring the animals to Noah.

The existence of Noah and the ark he built is verified throughout the Old and New Testaments. The original Hebrew and Greek biblical texts assume the reality of Noah by incorporating him (and his family) into the authors’ historical narratives and theological arguments. ARJ authors also consider non-biblical considerations (e.g., engineering studies on the ark’s seaworthiness, animal and cargo space requirements, etc.) that argue for the plausibility of Noah’s ark.

ISSN: 1937-9056 Copyright © Answers in Genesis, Inc.